
The Essential Commandment

The Essential Commandment: A Disciple’s Guide to Loving God and Others
作者: Greg Ogden
出版社:IVP Connect
The Essential Commandment


庫存量: 2 in stock


The Essential Commandment: A Disciples’s Guide to Loving and Others
Is it really possible to live out the Great Commandment?

When an expert in the law asked Jesus what the greatest commandment is, Jesus gave a clear and simple answer:’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.

But what does the Great Commandment look like on the ground, in our day-to-day lives? And can we even come close to living it out?

Jesus, Greg Ogden believes, has a simple answer to that too. He writes, “Jesus didn’t follow [the Great Commandment] up by saying, ‘I know I’m asking a lot, but do the best you can. I know you’ll never fully approximate this high and lofty goal, but it’s still worth striving for.’ . . . Jesus thinks this is possible.” And with Jesus, Ogden has found, it is possible–and essential.

In this practical, in-depth handbook, Ogden draws from his years of pastoral experience training and discipling others to help us truly be changed by Christ into people who love God and love others with all that we are. Following the format of his bestselling Discipleship Essentials, each chapter includes

a core truth
a memory verse
an inductive Bible study
a reading on one aspect of the Great Commandment

Thoughtful questions will also help you examine your heart and life and move you to open yourself to God’s transforming work.

Above all, Ogden helps you see that the Great Commandment is actually a great invitation to join God in bringing his kingdom to earth. And as you learn to do so, you’ll find that the greatest commandment leads to the greatest life possible.

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