
God’s Original Purpose For You

Discovering it through Sanctification
作者:Job Ward
出版社:Job Ward


庫存量: 1 in stock


This book shows that God’s original purpose for us is inherent in creation and that His purpose is reaffirmed in redemption. We therefore exist to fulfil that purpose. Most Christians do not give sanctification a serious thought because they do not realize its importance in their new life in Christ and for the fulfilment of God’s creative purpose. This book seeks to put sanctification in its proper perspective by showing that the old life of sin was not part of God’s original purpose and can have no part at all in His final plan for His creation. Redemption is the cost of creation, for it is through it that the end of creation is realized. Sanctification is the means by which God brings the old sinful life to an end and through which the new life in Christ is realized, embodied and fulfilled.

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